Steam and Origin could offer its digital services through Wii U

EA and Valve would be vying for their presence in the new Nintendo console.

Very few details known about his role Wii U online, although Nintendo has repeatedly acknowledged to be a very flexible service that will suit the needs of every developer, so boosting this aspect that could compete one on one with services like Xbox Live or PlayStation Network.

Recently, the primary responsibility for EA Sports, Peter Moore, was very enthusiastic about this new approach by Nintendo, and now come rumors that point to the possibility that EA and Valve are working to bring digital distribution platforms to Wii U.

According collects half, a strong internal EA has informed them that the company is negotiating with the possibility of Nintendo release its digital distribution platform on Wii Origin U. Measured with Electronic Arts substantially expand the potential audience for its network while Nintendo improves image with Western audiences.

However, this anonymous source continues, Valve would also be very interested in bringing its successful Steam to the Nintendo console. Possibility that EA seem to contemplate any means since according to the source consulted advances, would be trying to get through exclusive online store Wii U.

So far this information has not been confirmed by any of the parties involved, so we talked about rumors with caution.

1 comment:

  1. I can't see the image. These news could change the world as I know it D:
